Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

Hello Yura,
I’m asking for permission to entitle my last completed painting STELLAR REVENGE in Russian.

The painting was completed 14 August 2022 and is the first artwork of mine to be featured within The Discovery of Piranesi’s Final Project. The idea to entitle the painting STELLAR REVENGE came to me last Saturday night after spending the day thinking about your planned exhibition.
As to my ‘project of opportunity for me to ‘artistically’ express my reaction to being part of “Stellar Revenge”’, I’d like to write a personal statement along the lines of “an alternative picture of the world to the generally accepted one,” particularly regarding my relationship(s) to Russia (as a present day American artist, no less). Whatever I write would first come under your approval, however. And, if it doesn’t merit inclusion within the exhibit itself, then I would at least like to have your permission to publish the statement, in both English and Russian, at my websites coinciding with the opening of STELLAR REVENGE this July.


Dear Stephen,
While our curatorial board is preparing an official response to your first letter, I wanted to reply to your second letter. I have a sincere love and respect for you and your work, and as such, I am sending you a series of works that my wife completed last year titled "The Philadelphia School".
I am pleased to be able to send these to you and hope that you enjoy them.


Yura, thanks. Tell your wife “Remarkable!” It’s like one really never knows all that’s going on in world. I’m actually moved. Steve


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Stephen Lauf © 2024.04.25